We are beyond amazed to have received some amazing support from external sources like the cast of Gavin and Stacey, magazines, radio stations and more!

Ruth Jones
What's occurring Ness! Thank you to the gorgeous Ruth Jones for her lovely message of support. We are massive fans and this has given us an extra boost of motivation!
Mathew Horne
The main man himself Mathew Horne (Gavin Shipman) has sent us a lovely video. Thank you Gavlar!

Steffan Rhodri
So brilliant to have a video from Steffan (Dave's Coaches). We look forward to our Capri-Sun! See you there sugar t*ts!
BBC Radio Wales
BBC Wales Radio reached out to us for an interview with Claire Summers about Walk for Pia. We are so thrilled Simon got to speak with Claire to try and promote the walk and gain more support! Thank very much BBC Wales for giving us the opportunity.

BBC Radio 2
So unbelievably proud of Simon for this brilliant interview on BBC Radio 2 Good Morning Sunday! Please have a listen if you get a moment. The number of donations we have received since has been incredible so thank you so much to BBC Radio 2 for spreading the word and for all the support.
BBC Look East
On the first day of the walk, we were interviewed and filmed by BBC Look East and put onto their lunchtime show at 1pm and a longer piece broadcasted at 6:30pm on their evening show. Thank you to the BBC for taking the the time out of your busy schedule to film us!

1pm Lunch Show
6:30pm Evening Show

BBC Radio Essex
We were on BBC Radio Essex this morning with an interview as we set off for our first day of the walk. Thank you so so much for having us on the show, your support and energy really helped us on our way!
Messages from Parliament
Some lovely words of support from Parliament. Thank you especially to Angela Richardson for all of your support and for spreading the word to your colleagues in parliament. The messages here that we’ve received from Angela Richardson, Jeremy Hunt, Alun Cairns, Sajid Javed and Sarah Atherton, have been the boost that we needed just before we set off on the walk. Thank you all so much!
Angela Richardson - MP for Guildford
Sajid Javed - Secretary of State for Health and Social Care of the UK
Jeremy Hunt - the Chair of the Health and Social Care Select Committee and MP for South West Surrey
Alun Cairns - the MP for the Vale of Glamorgan
Sarah Atherton - the MP for Wrexham

Ruth Jones and Derek Brockway
Simon had the pleasure of meeting Ruth Jones, and walking with Derek Brockway, TV personality for BBC Wales and friend of the family. Thank you to the both of them for being so supportive of our walk and helping to spread the word. Derek will be joining us on the last day!
The Metro
The Metro published this article on Mother's Day, our first without Pia. It was a particularly heart-breaking article for Simon to write but we have received so much support from it so well done Simon! And thank you to the Metro for publishing our story.
You can read the whole article here:

Wales Online
Thank you to Wales Online for publishing an article about Pia. The amount of support we have received from all the readers of this newspaper is amazing so thank you!
You can read the whole article here:
BBC News
BBC News have published an amazing article on our walk and the inspiration behind it. Thank you so much! Can't believe it when we read this on the news this morning!
You can read the whole article here:

ITV News
Thank you to ITV News for publishing such a heart-warming article about Pia and the walk. This article has really contributed to the number of donations we are receiving!
You can read the whole article here:
Pancreatic Cancer UK
On the second day of our walk, we had an incredible welcome and stop at the Pan Can UK Office in London. They gave us all a cup of tea and biscuit which gave us all an amazing boost to keep walking!
Special shoutout to Abbey Harnwell from Pan Can Uk for being so generous and helpful throughout all our planning of the walk. We couldn't have done it without you!

House of Parliament
Thank you so much to MPs Angela Richardson and Alun Cairns for welcoming us into the Houses of Parliament and giving us a tour and a drink in the beautiful building. It was the best way to spend our break and really cheered us all up!
Pete from Barry
A special shoutout to Pete from Barry! He approached us at the pub in Wimbledon to thank us for doing the walk for pancreatic cancer and went on to explain why it was a cause so close to his heart. Pete is three years clear from pancreatic cancer and is one of the few survivors of the horrible disease. The cancer was discovered by chance at a check up for his low iron, and the early detection meant that they were able to remove it before it spread. Not only this, but he is from Barry, where our mum and dad grew up and remarkably knew our grandad, our mums dad, many years ago! Survival stories like Pete’s are exactly what we are walking for and it was incredibly touching to meet him. Please keep donating to save lives like his.

Bro Radio
A very special thank you to Bro Radio, a local radio station for Barry, for having Simon on. It was a lovely interview and has definitely helped to raise awareness of our walk, especially around Simon's hometown!
BBC Radio Wales
Thank you again to Claire for having Simon on the show on 2nd May to talk about the end of the walk. Simon enjoyed talking with you about our experience.

BBC Radio 2
Thank you to BBC Radio 2, Good Morning Sunday for giving us a shoutout on the radio this morning. It was definitely the boost we needed hearing it on the way to the finish line!
BBC Essex
Simon was interviewed by BBC Essex on May 2nd to talk about the walk and crossing the finish line. Thank you to Steve and Ian for taking the time to talk to Simon and further publicise our cause.

BBC Wales were waiting for us at the finish line and we appeared on the 6:00 evening show on May 1st. Thank you to the BBC!!
BBC Wales

ITV Wales were waiting for us at the finish line and we appeared on the evening news on May 1st. Thank you to the ITV!!
ITV Wales

Sam Warburton
Sam Warburton is one of our most favourite rugby players, being welsh makes him even better! So we were over the moon when we received this video of support from him. Thank you so much to Sam!
Thank you to BBC News for publishing an article about the end of Walk for Pia. The pictures and memories you captured are amazing and we are so grateful!
You can read the whole article here:

Barry and District News
We would like to say a massive thank you to Barry and District News for posting this article about the walk. We are really excited that we are starting to get more media coverage!
Please read the full article here:
Media Outlets
Thank to all these amazing media outlets for publishing the article taken from 'The Metro' in order to spread the news of our walk. We are so overwhelmed by all these articles!
You can view the articles here:

Glamorgan Star
Thank you to the Glamorgan Star for publishing an article in your newspaper local to Barry. We have received many donations since its publication so we are extremely grateful!

Wenvoe What's On
Thank you to the 'Wenve What's On' newsletter for including an article in their March edition about the Walk for Pia! We are very grateful.

Surrey Advertiser
Thank you to the 'Surrey Advertiser for publishing an article about Pia in your newspaper. Her face being front page is really incredible and we couldn't believe it when we saw it in all the supermarkets!